Thursday, August 5, 2010


My first "real" trigger is in about an hour...Last cycle I had to use it to try and drop those 17 follies.  I thought that it would be like all the other needles...nope.  Longer needle and it is quite a bit harder to get in.  So that is what I have to look forward to at 7pm.  Yay.  But at least this time the trigger is for real. 


  1. Good luck. I always thought the trigger shots were easier than the other types (especially Meno.pur which burns!).

  2. LOL...must have been a bum needle last time, it was super easy this time!

  3. Wishing you an easy shot! The triggers shot are bigger and are no fun but they bring good things! :)

  4. Good luck! I have had the ovidrel shot before. while it looks bigger it doesn't feel that bad!

  5. I just started blogging about our SIF and it was nice to find another blogger going through the same issues. Prayers for only a little bit of pain but a lot of luck!! :)
