Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And we have follies!

So I was a bit nervous before the appointment this morning.  I have been in some horrible pain the last few days.  Tylenol didn't even touch it, thankfully I have a pretty high pain tolerance (but still, it is pretty uncomfortable).  I already have gastrointestinal issues and these drugs haven't helped, plus HUGE ovaries add to it.  My "fat pants" are tight.  I have been keeping myself very hydrated just in case...

Arrived right on time (yay for no traffic), got my E2 bloodwork drawn (she got it on the first time!), and started hunting for follies.  First she checked my lining, she said it is textbook at 14mm...I wasn't concerned about this as I have never had an issue (so far).  The nurse handed me a clipboard to keep track of measurements, I started to get excited!  My heart sank as she started reading off the sizes of the follies on my R ovary, 4 follies all measuring 10-11mm, there weren't many that measured under 10mm, there were probably about 5.  So nothing happened there!  Disappointing...

So 13 days after starting on 75iu of Gonal f, then an increase at day6 to 150iu we have some follies that are pretty close to mature if not mature...On to the L ovary, my hand was shaking in anticipation.  I was looking at the u/s monitor and trying not to smile as I saw some follies that were larger than the others.  So now for the L ovary, 11mm (WTH?), 10mm (uh, hello?), 12mm (better), 14mm (yahoo), 15mm (fantastic!), 11mm, 10mm, and one more 15mm.  Uh, I am doing these from memory, I think I am pretty close...;)

So from what it looks like we have 2 that are the lead follies, and depending on what my bloodwork says when it comes back and depending on when I trigger we will have at least 3 follies mature.  I am ecstatic, yet feeling reserved at the same time.  Don't want to be super hopeful and then have this HUGE letdown.  Plus the L ovary was the one that might be blocked (as per the HSG in Feb, all the dye went straight to the R tube).


  1. Hi! I know this is late, but thanks for stopping by (via ICLW). Praying this cycle is successful for you!!!

  2. That sounds very promising!!!! When will you know? Good luck.

  3. Yay! Got the call form the nurse, she congratulated me for my impending O. It was cute, made me cry. I take Gonal f one more time tonight, then Lupron shot in the morning, then half my trigger tomorrow, bd 36 hours after trigger and blood test August 23. Hoping that tube isn't blocked!

  4. Yes! I was so hoping you'd have good news today!

  5. That's awesome! Hope things continue to go well this cycle!

  6. Yea for growing follies! You have a lot going on in there!

  7. Woot-woot! Glad things are going well!
