Monday, September 19, 2011

6 month stats! And other news...

Our 3.5 pound preemie is officially on the charts! Trey had his 6 month appointment today, 15lbs 5oz and 27in, 11%-ile for weight and 68%-ile for height. His head is in the 85%-ile. Last appointment (4 months) he was 2%-ile for weight and 3%-ile for height. Long and skinny, just like his sister...:)

I am thinking about asking the RE if I should see a perinatologist (sp?) before we decide to move on with #3.  This is due to the fact that a peri would be able to tell me if it is a good idea if I get pregnant again or not.  I know there are HUGE chances at pre-e/HELLP again and I want to know what a peri RE's opinion is great, but they just get me pregnant...

1 comment:

  1. OMG. At our 4 month he was only on for 5% in height. I think he is well above 50% now! Find out Monday! Go preemie boys! And it's not a bad idea...
