Thursday, April 14, 2011

No more milk and most likely no more babies...

Yea, I made it 4 weeks after Trey was born (oh, we are using a nickname for DS now, too many Doug's in the fam) and my milk is gone...I knew this would happen.  I have done everything humanly possible to get my supply up to where it should be for a 4 week old baby, but I just never produced.  PCOS can kiss it (guessing I don't have enough milk glands as my PCOS was early onset).  So formula it is, and nope, I don't feel bad about it as I knew this would happened with DD also (it was well on it's way when I got PUPPS a few weeks after she was born).

Second issue = to try for another little one or not?  My RE told me to call him as soon as I felt comfortable after this little one was born.  Comfortable?  Not sure when I will feel that way as this pre-e and HELLP syndrome stuff scared DH and I so having another child the best thing for me and my health?  I am not so sure about that now.  So many other people I know that had pre-e and HELLP had some sort of  Nope.  It happened so quick, I found out on Saturday and had the baby by Wednesday...they kept me in the hospital as they were pretty sure I would get very sick very fast, and I did.  So is a 3rd little one in our future?  I will have to ask my OB what he thinks...I am pretty sure I will have to be with a high risk OB is we do decide to go ahead.  Plus I am not sure what my RE will think about all of this...

Plus I wonder is there is any long term damage to my liver...I hope my OB gets all the information from the hospital where I was treated.  I know I was in horrible shape (they wouldn't have induced me, they told me that they would keep me as sick as possible for as long as possible - that equaled a little over 3 days), but for my OB to tell me not to try again that would definitely solidify everything.   

1 comment:

  1. It is sooo hard! But you do have to consider your health, this I know. I am so sorry you are facing this :-( HUGS
