Wednesday, December 22, 2010

21 weeks???

I sit here and think that not too long ago I was mad at the world...mad at my ovaries, mad at my OB for missing the PCOS diagnosis, mad that when I did get pregnant with the OB I ended up miscarrying, mad that this would be that baby's first Christmas, mad that 4 years had been wasted because I waited 2 years to say anything to the OB, and you know what?  I was just plain mad.  Now I am 21 weeks pregnant, a miracle.  An early birthday present that I had been wishing for...

How far along: 21 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: My best guess as of this point is I have gained about 10-15 pounds.  I am sure the goodies around this time of year will add to that though.

Maternity clothes: Ha!  Lupron and stim drugs did a number on me, I have been wearing maternity pants/jeans since week 5!

Stretch marks: Yea, it comes with the miracle baby...:)

Sleep: Bad dreams last night, but have been sleeping ok.

Movement: I LOVE OJ, it helps me to really feel Charlie kick. 

Cravings: Uh, the past few days I have been having some gastrointestinal pains, so food isn't really high on my list. 

Gender:  It is a super secret...the only one that knows is the ultrasound tech...maybe we can request her for the 30-ish week 3D we want to have, she was nice.

Symptoms: Heartburn - nope. Swollen nose/sinuses - yes.  Fat ankles - nope. Constipation - yes.  Feeling like my belly grows all day - yes.

What I miss:  Nothing.  I can honestly say that I love being pregnant (all except for the fear of loss, I don't think after having experienced loss I can ever be like I was with my pregnancy with DD).

What I look forward to: Charlie being viable and being able to play music and feel Charlie move to it...

Moods: Eh, nervous...about everything. Health of the baby, work, bills, etc.

Milestones:  DD felt Charlie kick last night!  She was astonished.

Medical Concerns:  Hopefully none at the moment, we will find out in a few weeks at my next appt.

Weekly Wisdom:  The best time to go shopping at Target during the holidays = during a snowstorm.

Best moment this week:  Definitely the look on DD's face when she felt Charlie move!

Worst moment this week:  The horrible gas pains from last night with nothing to show for the pain!  Booo.


  1. You are so cute :) I call Cricket "she" because that's what we have in my family, so when I was at the OB Monday, the doc thought we knew. I was explaining that, and she put a big note right over THE NEWS in the u/s report so no one slips :) Yay! The secret shall be kept! Though, I do find it a little odd that the doc knows what we are having and we do not...

  2. LOL, that was nice of the doc! Funny, we were the opposite with DD, everyone on DH's side of the family is boys (his dad had 3 boys, has a lot of male cousins, etc.) so everyone was so sure DD was a boy, we found out at the 20 week us/ and everyone was so surprised!

  3. Glad things are continuing to go well for you. What a sweet "favorite" moment you had this week! :)

  4. Congrats on your pregnancy!!!

    I felt bad because I couldn't do up my pants at 6 weeks, but then again I never lost the Stims Bloat either!

  5. stopping by from ICLW (#100). congrats on your second pg! that's fantastic. how cool that you DD felt the baby kick. amazing. happy holidays!

  6. Two miracles? Amazing!

    ~Jem (ICLW#5)

  7. Congratulations! Half way there now! Hope you had an incredible Christmas and 2011 brings you so much joy! Lots of love from ICLW #110!
